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Clean Elections Qualifying Period Kicks Off August 1st

Phoenix, AZ - August 1, 2023

The Qualifying Period for candidates and voters participating in the Clean Elections funding program kicks off on August 1. Under the voter-approved act, candidates can begin collecting $5 contributions from voters in the state or their district if the candidate is running for the legislature.

By collecting the $5 qualifying contributions, refusing to accept money from political action committees (PACS), and refusing large private donations, candidates can qualify for funding from the Clean Elections Fund.

“This is an exciting time for candidates, as they begin to truly see where they stand with the voters and the energy their campaign can generate in the community,” said Executive Director Tom Collins. “We encourage candidates to start as soon as possible to give themselves the time needed to become qualified for funding.”

Candidates using clean funding are required to collect a minimum number of $5 qualifying contributions. For a legislative candidate, the minimum needed is 200. For the 2024 election cycle there is only one statewide office that will be on the ballot, Corporation Commission. Candidates for that office need to collect a minimum of 1,500 qualifying contributions.

Candidates may collect the qualifying contributions either in person or through the Secretary of State’s E-Qual system. E-Qual is an electronic system design to allow registered voters to contributea $5 qualifying contribution as well as electronically sign a candidate’s campaign petition. The E-Qual system only allows voters to contribute and sign for those candidates running in the district the voter lives in. E-Qual is available via

Corporation Commission candidates who qualify will receive primary funding of $135,535 and general funding of $203,303 and may take early contributions of $210 up to a cap of $33,884.

Legislative candidates are eligible for $21,173 in the primary and $31,760 in the general and may take early contributions of $210 up to $5,293.

Clean Elections also sponsors the State of Arizona’s official debate program and provides information on candidates and how voters participate in elections through tools like the comprehensive Voter Education Guide. Clean Elections’ website is widely recognized as the one-stop hub for voters from all parts of the state. Visit to learn more.

Clean Elections was established by Arizona voters to restore citizen participation and confidence in Arizona’s political system, to improve the integrity of State government and to promote freedom of speech under the U.S. and Arizona Constitutions.