Candidate Resources
Home Run for Office Candidate Resources

Candidate Resources

Here are a few resources candidates may need and/or utilize during their campaign. If you have any questions or need additional help, please feel free to reach out to our office directly.

View Participating Candidates

1. E-Qual

Candidates who have opted into E-Qual may use the system to collect 100% of their $5 qualifying contributions and petition signatures.

Click Here to set up your E-Qual forms
Click Here to view the E-Qual User Manual

2. Candidate Training

The Commission hosts workshops for Participating Candidates, which are designed to give prospective candidates an idea of what using the Clean Elections system will entail. The workshop is a 1-hour event that covers how to qualify for Clean Elections funding, collecting the $5 qualifying contributions, campaign finance requirements, candidate debates and the candidate statement pamphlet among other areas.

All participating candidates are required to attend and all treasurers are encouraged to attend at least one workshop. All workshops are held virtually via ZOOM. The dates for the workshops will be posted shortly. If you have questions regarding the workshop, please contact Commission staff at 602-364-3477. Click here to view our Candidate Training page and register.

3. One Party Dominant Legislative Districts

Pursuant to A.R.S. ยง16-952(D), a one-party-dominant legislative district is a district in which the number of registered voters registered in their party with the highest number of registered voters exceeds the number of registered voters to each of the other parties by an amount at least as high as ten percent of the total number of voters registered in the district.

Legislative candidates in a one-party-dominant district who choose to reallocate their funds will receive additional primary funding.

2014 One Party Dominant Districts
2016 One Party Dominant Districts
2018 One Party Dominant Districts
2020 One Party Dominant Districts
2022 One Party Dominant Districts
2024 One Party Dominant Districts

4. Fixed Assets

Candidates may purchase fixed assets with a value not to exceed $800 (including taxes).


If a candidate chooses to purchase fixed assets that can be used for non-campaign purposes, with a value of $200 or more, the candidate must: Submit the item(s) to the Commission; or Reimburse the Commission for 80% of the original purchase price of the item. A copy of the original sales receipt for the item purchase must be presented at the time of the submission or repayment.


All fixed assets must be submitted or repaid no later than 14 days after the primary election, or the general election if the candidate was successful in the primary.

Failure to comply may result in an enforcement action. See A.A.C. R2-20-702(D) in the Commission's Act & Rules Manual for more details.

5. Forms & Publications

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