Captain Activate!
Home What We Do Captain Activate!

The Arizona Citizens Clean Elections Commission presents:

Captain Activate!
And The Future Voters

  • Created and Written By: Avery Xola
  • Illustrations, Colors, Lettering: Andy Enzweiler
  • Backgrounds: Defne Aydemir

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Captain Activate!
Captain Activate! Cover

Why a Comic Book?

Comic books are important for many reasons, occupying a unique niche in pop culture & storytelling. It's up to all of us to defeat "Dr. Apathy", the greatest threat to voters at large. The benefits of teaching civics through a comic book include:

  • Literacy & Education
  • Visual Storytelling
  • Empowerment & Inspiration
  • Creative Development
  • Community & Fandom
  • Escapism & Entertainment
  • Cultural Impact
  • Youth Voter Engagement
  • Understanding Our Rights & Freedoms
  • Why It's Important to Exercise One's Rights

Captain Activate! with Avery Xola

Watch the video to hear more about the tales & adventures of Captain Activate!

Play Captain Activate! Video

Want to learn more?

The Citizens Clean Elections Commission (CCEC) has teamed up with expert curriculum writers to create the Civics Classroom Curriculum for our youth voter education and outreach initiative. It meets Arizona's teaching standards, offers lesson plans for grades 4-12 across various subjects, and is teacher-friendly, fitting seamlessly into regular class schedules. With engaging content, it aims to empower our youth to actively participate in our democracy!

Civics Curriculum

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