Home What We Do 2022 Voter Priorities Survey

Top Issues for Arizona Voters

In December 2021 and April 2022, Clean Elections polled voters across the state to find out what issues were important to them. Specifically, we asked voters what issues they needed to know about from the candidates in preparation for our 2022 Primary Debate series. You can view the top issues identified in the Clean Elections poll by clicking the image below and by reading the full report. Once we learned what the top issues were for voters, we partnered with the Center for the Future of Arizona to share their findings on these top issues with voters so they can prepare for the Clean Elections debates.

View Infographic

2021 Survey 2022 Survey

A Letter From the Voter Education Director

When Arizonans passed the Citizens Clean Elections Act, their goal was to promote participation in elections and political campaigns that focus on real issues that affect voters’ lives. This year is an important election year, with all statewide offices on the ballot, along with the entire legislature. The decisions you make this year will help set the course for Arizona.

This page will serve as your hub for information to help you participate in Clean Elections debates and cast an informed ballot in the Aug 2, 2022 Primary Election. Review the data and information below and watch a Clean Elections sponsored candidate debate to hear how candidates are addressing these issues.

Clean Elections debates work together with your vote to make sure your voice is heard. This year, we have compiled data from voters around the state about what issues matter most to us. Some of those issues you will agree with, some of them you may not. Our goal in presenting this information is to support a civic dialogue in our state and local communities.

Civic engagement is not passive, nor is the public debate. We hope you will submit questions for the candidates as your priorities are what should be discussed during the Clean Elections debates.

Gina Roberts - Voter Education Director, Clean Elections
Clean Elections Voter Survey

Center for The Future of Arizona

Learn About Where Arizonans Agree

Trusted Information and Research from Center for the Future of Arizona

Center for the Future of Arizona (CFA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that brings Arizonans together to create a stronger and brighter future for our state. CFA listens to Arizonans to learn what matters most to them, shares trusted data about how Arizona is doing in those priority areas, brings critical issues to public attention, and works with communities and leaders to solve public problems. CFA offers a number of informational resources, including recent survey research on what matters most to Arizonans, that may be helpful for preparing to vote in the 2022 primaries and general elections.

CFA’s Gallup Arizona Survey found that Arizonans have much in common, agree on more than we disagree, and share a set of core public values. Dig into the data of what Arizonans agree on as important to our collective future. The 2022 election and debates leading up to it provide a launching pad to discuss how to achieve The Arizona We Want with potential leaders. Use this research to develop questions for candidates, inform your decision-making, and engage in civil discourse and purposeful dialogue.

Download CFA's Gallup Arizona Survey Report

AZ Landscape

Download CFA's Gallup Arizona Executive Summary

Additional Resources

Learn more about Center for the Future of Arizona at arizonafuture.org.

What Arizonans agree on and care about for our state provides insight into what questions may surface from voters during this year’s election. Prepare for upcoming debates, forums, and other discussions by reviewing the following research from Center for the Future of Arizona (CFA) that reveals the important issues and related actions identified by Arizonans.

Download the Gallup Arizona Survey Findings Summary

How to Prepare for the Clean Elections Candidate Debates:

Step 1. Review the Schedule: Look at the statewide offices and then find your specific legislative district debate.

View Schedule

Step 2. Learn about what issues your community has identified are a priority. You can review the reports and data from Clean Elections and the Center for the Future of Arizona (CFA). This data is non-partisan and intended to inform and educate about what Arizonans identify as their top priorities. CFA provides the Arizona Progress Meters to measure and report on these issues.

Step 3. Think about what issues impact you and the things you care about. Will this impact your vote? Do you want to ask the candidates that are running for office how they feel about these issues?

Step 4. Submit your questions for the candidates to Clean Elections so we can ask the candidates where they stand on the issues important to you.

Submit Debate Question

Step 5. Watch the debate. You can continue submitting your questions throughout the debate.

Step 6. Vote! If you need to register or update your register, the deadline is July 5th. Early voting begins July 6th and Election Day is Aug 2, 2022.