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Timothy "Tim" Dunn
State Senator - District 25
Tim is a lifelong resident of Legislative District 25, growing up in a conservative farming family built on Christian values. He graduated from the U. of A. with a B.S. in Agriculture and has been married to Eileen for 23 years. Together, they raised their two sons- Kirk and Timothy Dunn. Tim as elected in 2018 to the AZ House. He currently serves as the Chairman of the Government committee and is on the Natural Resources, Energy & Water and appropriations committees. These leadership positions have helped him protect the land, water, and agricultural interests of District 25. I stand with President Trump on the border and immigration. For years, I have advocated for a wall to secure our Border. I support the HCR on the ballot to make illegal entry a state crime I am avid hunter, gun owner, and strong 2nd amendment advocate. In the State Senate, I will fight anti-gun advocates' efforts to limit our freedoms and will always support our constitutional rights. I am PRO LIFE, strongly oppose any public funding for abortion, and will oppose the pro-abortion ballot initiative titled  "The Abortion Access Act. " #itgoestoofar I support choice in education. Parents should choose the right education for their kids. I am dedicated to ensuring every child gets a great education and Universal ESA remains Arizona's drought has been devastating to our agricultural economy. Lake Mead is the key driver in Arizona water policy. Those areas that do not use surface water will be under scrutiny as we plan for future growth. The beneficial use of water for Agriculture and smart growth are among my top priorities. I have legislation to strengthen voter ID laws, stop ballot harvesting and properly maintain our voter rolls to make it easier to vote and harder to cheat.

Michael Carbone
State Representative - District 25
I'm a husband, dad, small business owner, and someone who has been involved in education issues for years, both in a professional capacity, and as a conservative activist who wanted to make sure that our tax dollars were being properly spent and that parents had a strong voice in the process. I'm originally from Illinois but my wife and I took our kids and escaped to Arizona, where individual liberties and common-sense conservative values were valued and celebrated. In my spare time I like to hunt, fish, shoot, and root for the Diamondbacks and Phx Rising FC. I've just finished my first term and I can tell you that the battles being fought at the national level between left and right are very real at the state level too. I promised you I'd be a strong conservative voice and I kept my word. I defend the taxpayers, fight for election integrity, vote for school choice, and fight to end illegal immigration. I've written bills to secure our elections and provide real transparency and accountability. I've voted for efforts to secure our borders in the face of this unreal Biden Border Crisis. I've championed agriculture issues for Yuma and the West Valley in Maricopa County, and Arizona's long-term water future. And I've battled the left on a host of issues ranging from taxes to public safety to protecting girl's locker rooms to school choice to fighting for your medical freedom. I'm grateful for the support I've gotten from veterans, cops, doctors and more, and I'll keep fighting the swamp right here in Arizona. As Chairman of our local district GOP I worked hard to re-elect President Trump, Congressman Gosar, and others, and I'm doing the same today as your Representative. Together, we will do great things for Arizona!

Gary Garcia Snyder
State Representative - District 25
Gary was born in Texas to a military family and moved to Arizona in 2003. He has International Business studies from State University and additional training/schooling in water conservation and soil management. A serial entrepreneur (and Pro Player), Gary operates the Southern Winter Baseball League, which plays games in Arizona and Mexico. Gary is a successful small businessman and Republican activist who spreads the party's message of opportunity in both English and Spanish. His hobbies include sports, family, church events, and rooting for the Diamondbacks. He also works with S.M.I.L.E., a local charity that helps the disabled. I'm a lifelong Republican who was raised in a conservative Christian military family, which helps explain my commitment to America's founding values.I'm a small business owner and have experience in food safety, soil, water treatment and water conservation in agriculture through my AWC coursework and the Yuma Safe Produce Council.I also have PSA Grower, Pre-Season, and Pre-Harvest Certificates. All of which gives me valuable expertise in agricultural issues that matter to our district. Most candidates talk about election integrity, but I'm the only candidate who has documented and recorded multiple acts of ballot harvesting, forgery, and intent to commit fraud -- leading to Arizona's first indictment and felony convictions for election fraud. In fact, my work was shown in Dinesh D'Souza's  "2000 Mules " movie. I'm running to serve the greater good and have a strong proven grassroots record as an bilingual Precinct Committeeman, State Committeeman, State Delegate and Member-at-Large for the AZ Republican Party. I'm a longtime advocate for law-enforcement, first responders, military members and our Second Amendment rights. With your vote, I'll focus on critical issues including border security, election integrity, veterans, law enforcement, water conservation, agriculture, infrastructure, medical freedom (no vaccine mandates!), housing, jobs, and religious freedom.

Nickolas "Nick" Kupper
State Representative - District 25
Nick Kupper grew up in Oregon and joined the United States Air Force in 2003, one year before marrying his high school sweetheart, Crystal. After 20 years spent traveling the world as a military electrician, recruiter and manager, he retired in 2023 while stationed at Luke AFB in Maricopa County. Nick has degrees in human resource management and aviation maintenance technology and is currently working as a paralegal. He and Crystal have four children, including one daughter adopted from Armenia. He has made appearances on American Ninja Warrior, Tucker Carlson Tonight, Newsmax and Firebrand with Matt Gaetz. Though I have long been politically conservative, I had little interest in running for office before 2020. But then the Air Force unsuccessfully tried to kick me out after a stellar 19-year career, simply for refusing an emergency-use COVID-19 vaccine I was not legally required to take. That experience, combined with overt tyrannical actions of countless  "leaders " nationwide, convinced me that quietly transitioning into civilian life after the military was not in the cards. Since then, I have made dozens of media appearances and worked with Congressmen Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan and Thomas Massie to find redress for thousands of servicemembers unjustly impacted by vaccine mandates. The experience has shown me how much we need courageous political leaders who are unafraid to stand against a popular tide of tyranny - not just about medical freedom, but also border security, gun rights, gender confusion, free speech, water issues, election integrity, the unborn and so many others. I am asking for your vote as the only veteran running in Legislative District 25 for state representative. I was willing to risk losing everything during COVID for what I knew was right - and I'll keep doing the same as your elected official.

Steve Markegard
State Representative - District 25
Born and raised in Seattle. Created a 40+ yr career in the Commercial, Industrial & Marine Construction Industry in the Pacific NW while raising my family. During that time, I completed 4 yr trade school, worked as journeyman, managed construction projects and owned & operated two commercial insulation businesses. Early on, served as Executive Board Member in Heat & Frost Insulators & Asbestos Workers Union negotiating labor contracts. Later, I also negotiated as an employer. Retired to AZ in Jan 2019. Currently serve as Precinct Committeeman & State Delegate and live in Sun City Festival Buckeye, with my native Phoenician wife, Lynn. What made me, a common man, run for public office? Issues **Unsecured borders that jeopardize the safety, security and economic well being of our citizens **.Unchecked illegal drug flow and crime **The need for prudence as  "growth and development" explodes while water availability is extremely challenging. **An unprecedented attack on parental rights, free speech and 2nd Amendment **Ability of home ownership for first time buyers **Energy Independence and non-reliance on foreign countries **Need for accountable, strong conservative constitutional based leadership Also, a disconcerting feeling that I owe a great debt to my country. Unlike our military veterans and others, I've taken much and given little. The time is now. What sets me apart from the others? **Retiree who can devote FULL TIME abilities on behalf of the people **Proven strong independent leadership and management skills in business **Clean Elections Candidate not financed by outside interests

William "Bill" Peter Olear
State Representative - District 25
I moved to Surprise Arizona in 2011 with my wife Lynn, where we opened a successful award-winning restaurant, New York Flavor. While most of my career was in Marketing and New Business Development, I have been a lifelong advocate, husband, father, and board member. I am currently a board member of The Vista Center for the Arts in Surprise AZ, where our board is committed to bringing Quality Arts and performances to the West Valley at affordable prices. In my present role as a real estate agent, I am excited to provide families and individuals with equitable opportunities to become homeowners. Our state is facing some of the greatest challenges we have ever seen. Whether it is the oppression of women and minorities; gutting public education, ignoring climate change and its effects, not building affordable housing, wealth, and racial inequality the outlook can seem bleak. Therefore, I am eager to join our state legislature to apply the knowledge and experience I have gained over my lifetime to guide Arizona into the future. I know that when hard-working, committed people come together to reach a goal, we can achieve things that may seem impossible. This is an incredible opportunity for me to work for all Arizonians and its marginalized communities. I am excited to work with a body comprised of people committed to the same goals. My experience as a businessman, board member and advocate for democratic issues, is the reason why I am running to be your LD 25 State House Representative.

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